Back to School for Students and Clove
Sexual violence, which often targets children, is a widespread problem. Research shows that 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys experience sexual abuse or assault before they turn 18 years old. 20% of US women experienced completed or attempted rape and nearly a quarter of US men experienced some form of contact sexual violence during their lifetime. It is a monumental issue but it doesn’t outsize our determination to end it. Putting a stop to sexual violence is a core part of Clove Alliance’s mission and the focus of our Prevention Program.
Most of our work in this area is centered around students. Through school partnerships, we’re educating children about respect and personal safety, empowering youth to stand against sexual harm, and equipping our community to take action.
The start of the new academic year is a perfect time to get familiar with our critical prevention work with students and get excited about how you can get involved!
Clove Alliance’s Sexual Violence Prevention Programs for Students
One of the best ways to prevent sexual abuse is to talk to children early and often about body safety and to keep conversations going throughout childhood and teenage years. Clove Alliance starts working with kids in preschool and our programs step to more complex topics at each grade level all the way through high school. Students learn about boundaries, healthy relationships, consent, and sexual violence. No matter the age of our audience, we provide age-appropriate lessons that ensure each student gets a clear message about personal safety.

Our programs, which we offer for free to all schools in Kankakee, Iroquois, and Ford Counties, usually take place in a classroom setting with less than 30 students. This small size allows kids to connect with the Educator and dive deeper. We use varied teaching methods to suit each lesson and have the greatest learning outcomes, like hands-on activities, discussions, role-playing exercises, problem-solving scenarios, and multimedia elements.
You can learn about topics for each grade on our Prevention Program webpage.
Impact of Prevention Programs
Clove Alliance’s sexual abuse prevention programs are evidence-based and rooted in best practices. Research shows that school-based programs like ours improve young children’s knowledge about different types of sexual abuse, safe and unsafe situations, saying “no” and assertiveness, telling adults, and more. Our teen curriculums, including “Bringing in the Bystander” and “Safe Dates” are both evidence-led and research-based, too. Evaluations of these programs show they help students challenge violence-supportive norms, understand how to get help, and boost their healthy relationship skills. Perhaps the most exciting evidence of the impact is the lasting reduction in violence and sexual abuse years after completion.
“Clove Alliance is one of the greatest resources Kankakee County has to offer, and I am extremely grateful for all that they do for the students at Herscher High School.”
– Julia Daly, LPC, Hersher High School
We value our school partnerships because they allow us to reach young people at a crucial time in their lives when we can promote respect and safety, healthy relationships, and create a safer and more inclusive community. They have enabled our Prevention Educators to provide 1,672 presentations to 32,304 students in the past 5 years! We’re proud of the results that our partner schools see, too.
“Clove Alliance is one of the greatest resources Kankakee County has to offer, and I am extremely gra“What gives [Clove Alliance’s] program so much value is…the lasting difference we see in the climate and culture of the building as a whole as the girls interact with other students and staff outside the program.” teful for all that they do for the students at Herscher High School.”
– Lynette Thrasher, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment at Momence Community School District
Schools also feel confident in collaborating with Clove Alliance to meet the requirements of Erin’s Law and Faith’s Law.
How to Get Clove Alliance Programs in Your School
If you are ready to foster safety, respect, and healthy relationships in your community, contact Clove Alliance! It’s easy to schedule school programs and get support for preventing sexual violence.
Fill out our interest form and someone will contact you. You can also email [email protected] or call 815-932-7273 for more information.
Beyond Highschool: College Student, Parents, Teacher, and Community Training to Prevent Sexual Violence
Clove Alliance regularly presents to parents, teachers, organizations, community groups, and college campuses, covering various topics on preventing and responding to sexual violence. Each presentation or training is tailored to the audience and customized to their needs.
- Parent groups often learn how to talk to children about appropriate touch, signs of grooming, symptoms of child sexual abuse, and what to do if a child discloses abuse.
- School professionals typically gain insight into how to handle issues related to sexual assault in a way that supports students and their rights.
- Community groups are usually interested in learning about local resources for survivors and how they can help end sexual violence.
- College campuses welcome us at club meetings, events, and lectures to unite students around ending sexual violence and challenging social norms that promote abuse.
No matter the audience, Clove Alliance is always ready to help people get involved in prevention efforts in our communities.
Upcoming public training sessions are listed on our event webpage and we are always ready to set up new options for our community.
Complete this interest form and Clove Alliance will contact you. For more details, you can also email [email protected] or call 815-932-7273.