Our Approach

At Clove Alliance, we focus on survivor-centered and trauma-informed services. We put our client’s needs and well-being first. Our approach is based on building trust and respect, which we believe is the key to helping people heal. Learn more about our approach below.

Understanding Trauma

We deeply understand how trauma affects people physically, emotionally, and socially. We also recognize that professionals who help survivors can experience trauma through their work (known as “vicarious trauma”). These factors motivate Clove Alliance to use a trauma-informed approach, which includes: 

  • Being aware of the widespread effects of trauma on survivors.
  • Recognizing signs of trauma in our clients, staff, and others involved in the support system.
  • Finding the best ways to help survivors heal.
  • Making sure that our policies, procedures, and practices are shaped by our understanding of trauma.

Focusing on Survivors

Clove Alliance uses a victim-centered approach, meaning we prioritize the survivor’s dignity, safety, and security. We take care to avoid any practices that could accidentally cause more harm. This approach is important because it helps protect the survivor’s rights and independence. It also takes care to avoid re-traumatization, which is especially common in the criminal legal system. Staying victim-centered supports survivors’ needs while advancing society’s interest in holding offenders accountable and assisting victims. At Clove Alliance, it includes:

  • Offering support through advocates and service providers.
  • Empowering survivors to be actively involved in their journey towards justice.
  • Helping survivors understand their options and how they can participate in seeking accountability and justice.
Our 24-hour crisis hotline is always available at 815.932.3322. It is free and confidential.