Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)

Clove Alliance is committed to creating a world free from sexual violence. A crucial component of achieving this goal is through our Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). A SART is a coordinated group of professionals from various disciplines who work together to provide comprehensive support and services to survivors of sexual assault.

Our team members include:

  • Advocates: Offer emotional support, crisis intervention, and information about available resources.
  • Medical professionals: Provide forensic examinations, treatment for injuries, and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Law enforcement: Investigate the crime and gather evidence.
  • Prosecutors: Build cases, represent survivors in court, and work to hold offenders accountable.
  • Other relevant agencies such as Probation, DCFS, Child Advocacy Center, etc.

Why is a SART essential?

  • Improving coordination: A SART ensures seamless communication and collaboration among team members, reducing the burden on survivors and increasing efficiency.
  • Enhancing victim-centered care: By focusing on the survivor’s needs and preferences, a SART can create a supportive and trauma-informed environment.
  • Increasing access to services: A SART can help identify gaps in services and advocate for additional resources to meet the needs of survivors.
  • Promoting accountability: Through collaboration and evidence-based practices, a SART can increase the likelihood of successful prosecution and offender accountability.
  • Building community awareness: A SART can raise awareness about sexual assault and its impact on survivors, fostering a culture of prevention and support.

How does a SART benefit survivors?

Survivors of sexual assault face numerous challenges, including physical injuries, emotional trauma, and fear. A SART can make a profound difference in their lives by:

  • Providing immediate support: Survivors receive compassionate care and crisis intervention from trained professionals.
  • Facilitating access to justice: A SART can help survivors navigate the legal system and pursue justice if they choose to do so.
  • Promoting healing: With access to medical care, counseling, and advocacy, survivors can begin the process of healing and recovery.
  • Empowering survivors: By providing information and support, a SART can help survivors regain a sense of control and agency.

By investing in SART teams in Kankakee, Iroquois, and Ford Counties, Clove Alliance demonstrates a solid commitment to supporting survivors of sexual violence and creating a safer community for all.

For more information about our SART teams, please contact [email protected].